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St. John's Lutheran Church is affiliated with the ELCA and serves Greenville, Jamestown and Mercer in North West Pennsylvania



9:00 Sunday School,

10:00 am Service with Communion

11:00 Fellowship













As a congregation we support many local charities including:

The Bethesda Children's home in Meadville,

The Good Shepherd Center in Greenville

The Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County

Upcoming Events

Join us for our Christmas Candlelight service on Tuesday December 24th at 7 PM!


Children's Sunday School, (grade 2 thru 6) will meet from 11:15Am until noon, twice a month. Contact the church for more information or to register your student.


Dorcus Circle meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM.


Joy Circle meets on the Third Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM.

The Brunch Bunch meets for lunch on the Third Thursday of the month at 11:15 AM. at Mama Jane's in Greenville.


Sunday Worship with Communion
   10:00 am every Sunday
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