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Church Council

The council consists of 12 adult members, elected by the congregation to provide leadership. Council members are elected to a three year term and can be reelected but may serve no more than 6 consecutive years.


The goal of the Stewardship Committee is to encourage congregational giving. That giving includes both material goods as well as the more valuable gift of time dedicated to worth projects.

Church Women

Our purpose is to serve our church by supporting congregational projects and fund raising events. We provide funeral luncheons.


Our purpose is to monitor expences and income, provide suggestions to the Church Council and to prepare the annual budget.

Dorcas Circle

This group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 9:30 am until 11 am, to construct quilts and fleece blankets for individuals and groups with special needs in our area.

Worship and Music

Christian Education

Our purpose is to instruct the youth of the congregation in the way of  the Bible, the teachings of Christ and the teachings of the Lutheran Church.

Social Ministry

Our purpose is to encourage generosity outside our congregation. We support many charities outside our church including the Bethesda Children's Home in Meadville, the Good Shepherd Center in Greenville, the Community Food Warehouse in Mercer County and projects suggested by the Women of the ELCA,

Youth Company

Our purpose is to support the youth of our congregation. We host occasional social events including snow tubing. We raise funds for camperships for the students attending the Lutherlyn Confirmation Camp.

The basic objectives of the Worship and Music Committee are to assist the Congregation Council in seeing that our services of worship are conducted on a regular basis and with integrity to the proclamation of Word and Sacrament, as outlined in the approved liturgy and hymnals of the ELCA. 

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